We are here to provide in-home support, whether people want to continue to live in a place they already call home or move into homes in the community operated by Systems.
Together, we will work with you to help set and achieve lifelong goals and learn day-to-day tasks, such as cleaning and grocery shopping. Through it all, we’ll be at your side.
Supports We Provide:
Medical: Medication setup and follow-through, medical appointments
Communication Skills: Finding ways to convey thoughts and feelings, which may include spoken language, sign language, pictures or electronic devices
Coping Skills: Learning how to express and understand emotions
Community Skills: Utilizing public transportation, community resources, safety and emergency planning, understanding human rights (citizenship, rights, and responsibilities)
Social Skills: Leisure time interests and skills, advocacy, social interactions, and celebrating diversity
Daily Living Skills: Cleaning, paying bills, grocery shopping, eating, understanding nutrition, laundry
Self-Care: Brushing teeth, bathing, dressing, and hair care
The Home and Community Based Waiver program allows providers to utilize Medicaid funding to design supports around the individual’s specific needs. Supports can range from one hour a month to 24 hours a day in homes with one to four other roommates.
Systems Unlimited can provide services under the following waivers: Intellectual Disability, Health and Disability, Brain Injury, Physical Disability, and Elderly. We also serve people with home-based habilitation.
Supported Community Living
Supported Community Living services are provided in homes throughout Eastern Iowa where three to five housemates live together. The amount of structure, support, and services are unique to each person and based on their needs. These services are available to people 18 years or older with a developmental disability or mental health need.
Residential-Based Supported Community Living
The residential-based program provides structured support for children 17 years or younger with developmental disabilities in homes throughout Eastern Iowa. Much like our adult services, these services are based on the strengths and needs of each child.
Our staff collaborate with other professionals, local school districts and parents to ensure the children in the program continue to thrive. There are typically no more than three children living in one home to ensure appropriate supervision and support.
Hourly Supported Community Living
Hourly services are designed to help individuals work on a goal or learn skills that help them maintain or increase their independence. People receiving this service live with family or in a home of their choosing, such as an apartment or duplex.
Leah and Paul’s journey of placing their son Aidan with Systems Unlimited began more than 10 years ago when Aidan was 11 years old. At the time, Aidan had been diagnosed with autism and an intellectual disability and was displaying behaviors that made it increasingly difficult to keep him safe at home. Leah and Paul turned to Systems.
Aidan has now grown out of the children’s program and continues to be served as an adult in a home supervised by Systems. He lives with two other young men in the Iowa City area, where they work on personalized goals and daily living tasks like cleaning with their staff.
“Aidan has had gains that I never thought we’d see. He barely elopes, he eats vegetables and he communicates. I couldn’t be more pleased with where he is now.”
Want to learn more about making a referral? Let us know what type of referral you are interested in and we’ll provide additional information!
A non-profit leader for more than 50 years in Eastern Iowa.
Delivering high-quality, personalized, and individualized social services support for people with disabilities and mental health needs.
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