We all want to live rich, meaningful lives. At Systems Unlimited, we offer distinctly individualized services to help people of all ages live as happy, healthy, and independently as possible. Our staff set the gold standard for care. Their specialties include working with people with developmental, intellectual, and physical disabilities, as well as aging, behavioral, mental health needs.
Explore our core services below to learn more and complete an online referral application.
If you or a loved one needs assistance finding and maintaining a job, our Employment Systems services offer support and coaching.
Our day habilitation program can also help improve quality of life through meaningful activities, skill building, social relationships, and connection with the community.
If you need direct in-home support, we’ll be by your side—either in a place you already call home or in a home in the community operated by Systems Unlimited.
We work together with you to help set and achieve lifelong goals and master day-to-day tasks.
When your needs are more specific or unique, the Systems Unlimited Behavioral Health Solutions team can provide a multidisciplinary approach to address those needs.
By meeting each individual where they are and assisting them and their families with current challenges—either temporary or long-term concerns—we can help them become successful in all settings.
Want to learn more about the referral process? Contact us at 800-401-3665, ext. 1202, or complete a Referrals Information Request by clicking the link below.
Our person-centered services are based on what we believe to be the best fit for the applicant. Systems strives for lifelong partnerships and service, and this begins with a great fit for services from day one.
For every applicant, we strive to provide the most suitable living arrangements and/or the most appropriate service provisions. Anyone on the list will be considered, regardless of their position on the list.
Please note: Applicants must be on the ID or BI waiver (or on the waiting list) to be considered. For BI or ID waiver inquiries, contact the State of Iowa Department of Health and Human Services at 877-344-9628, or visit hhs.iowa.gov.
Apply for services by completing an application with additional documentation that outlines support needs.
Once the applicant is placed on the consideration list, they will receive a confirmation email or request to provide more information if additional information is needed. If an applicant doesn’t make it to our consideration list, they will also be notified via email.
Please note our wait list does not function on a first-come, first-served basis.
When a vacancy is available, our team will reach out to schedule a meet and greet. If our services seem like a fit, we will invite the interested individual to tour the site.
If all parties want to move forward after the tour, Systems schedules an intake meeting. During this meeting, we set up the ISP, goals, and move-in date. This is also when we begin gathering information for the individual’s service folder and complete or send out releases for signatures.
Additionally, we set up any training that needs to occur at the intake. If the person lives outside our service area, a new primary care appointment must be set up before they move into services.
A non-profit leader for more than 50 years in Eastern Iowa.
Delivering high-quality, personalized, and individualized social services support for people with disabilities and mental health needs.
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