Systems Serves People from Glenwood Resource Center


When our founding parents began Systems Unlimited, it was with the intention to keep their children out of state institutions. Their vision of care in homes in their local communities became the ideal standard across the state.


With that spirit in mind, we are honored to accept at least five people who currently reside at the Glenwood Resource Center (GRC). They are moving in over the next few months to fill current vacancies, we hope to serve more as space becomes available.

The state of Iowa recently decided to close down GRC by Spring of 2024. The decision came after years of investigations by the Department of Justice. It recently found Iowa to be in non-compliance with the Olmstead Decision and violated rights of people with disabilities at the GRC. There has been several abuse allegations as well.

While accepting and serving people from GRC is not new to Systems, taking in so many people at once is unusual. Most people living in the Iowa institutions have lived there for decades and rarely go out into the community for things like grocery shopping. While most people like living in the community, it does take some adjustment time. It is important as a service provider to move slowly when teaching new daily tasks as the person gets used to us and we get to know them.

As an agency, we are excited to see the growth and be a part of  this historical moment as people get the opportunity to truly live their best life. Over the next few months, we will be highlighting various people we serve from GRC as they transition into community living.




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