The Monticello team will be moving to a new office at 701 John Drive on July 1, 2022. The office will be fully functional by mid-July. All of the current phone numbers and emails will remain the same for contacting the team. The new office space will allow enough room to start Day Habilitation for people we serve hopefully within the next year.
Having the office space for Day Habilitation has been a long time wish for the staff and people we serve. Many people we serve are ineligible for daytime services from other providers in the area. Day Habilitation will help people we serve build strong social connections, learn new skills and explore their communities. While the program will start out with serving people living in the current supported living program, the goal will be to have the staff capacity to open up the service to the community at large.
Systems will be hosting an open house of the new office space at a time to be determined.