National Disability Independence Day

National Disability Independence Day was celebrated on July 26 to commemorate the 1990 signing of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). To honor this day, Richard Muters agreed to meet to discuss his increased independence over the past sixteen years while receiving supports from Systems Unlimited.
Richard with his cat Luke.

Richard started out receiving services in 2004 through one of our 24-hour SCL sites. He worked diligently with his staff to gain skills to become more independent. As Richard continued to meet his goals, his staff began talking to him about getting his own place and explaining hourly services. At first, Richard was hesitant about having less staff around and living on his own. It took a few years for him decide to try hourly services. Looking back now, he is so grateful that he made the transition. When asked what made him change his mind about moving to hourly, Richard replied, “I wanted a sense of accomplishment. Be able to do whatever I want and get home whenever I want.”

Since moving into hourly, Richard set his sights on purchasing a car. After a lot of hard work and saving, in 2020 Richard bought a Kia Rio that he lovingly calls ‘The Red Devil.’ Now, Richard can cruise in style and has an easy way to get to his maintenance job at the Hiawatha Care Center.

When asked if he has any new goals in regards to independence, Richard expressed that he wants to graduate from services altogether. With a smile, Richard mentioned that he knows it may be a while before he is able to live completely on his own. He is willing to take one small step at a time.

For those who are considering working towards more independence and less staffing, Richard wants them to know, “It may not be comfortable at first, but don’t be afraid! Go for it! You can do anything you want, like growing out your beard.”

It has been great seeing Richard’s growth over these last few years. His hard work has truly paid off.

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