Artists at SUI was started in 2018 and is part of the Iowa City Day Program. Our mission is to promote radical inclusion of the people we serve through art. We work to eliminate boundaries for adult artists living with disabilities so they can be visible and equal contributors to Iowa’s creative communities and beyond.
Our program provides access to art supplies, instruction, adaptive devices and creative support, as well as opportunities to display artwork in various festivals and shows. Artists can choose to display their artwork on various mediums such as t-shirts and mugs, which are then sold in the Art Shop.
When you make a purchase from the Art Shop, you enable our talented artists to do what they love. All proceeds from the sale of art and merchandise go directly towards purchasing tools and supplies for our artists.
Doris has been involved with the Artists at SUI program since 2018. She has and continues to explore a variety of mediums during her time in the studio. She particularly loves working on nature-inspired watercolor and acrylic paintings, sewing cozy and functional items (for herself, loved ones and church members), and working with yarn (small loom weavings and rug punch needle projects).
When asked about when she first became interested in art, Doris said, “I started drawing in grade school. I remember coming home from school as a kid and just getting a pencil and paper and practicing drawing whatever I saw. I remember that my mom sewed all of the time and taught me how to sew. I think of her a lot when I am sewing in the art studio.”
Doris comes to the SUI Art studio twice a week, where she works alongside other artists and has experienced and supportive staff to assist her with learning about and creating whatever she wants.
“Before the Art Program, I used to just sit around. Art gives me something to do. It helps me think about new and different things. When I do art, I feel better.”
Johnny Gates is a well-known artist who creates facial portraits adorned with bright colorful patterns, wide eyes, and toothy smiles. Johnny loves his sister, Judy, and his friends and roommates. He extends that love to just about anyone he meets. Johnny also enjoys watching shows and movies including the Brady Bunch and the original Charlie’s Angels, going bowling, and karaoke.
Johnny is prolific and consistent with his method. He will use either watercolors or alcohol
markers, or a combination of both. He observes pictures of celebrities he idolizes, such as John Cena, Tina Turner, Dolly Parton, or even the entirety of Journey to inspire his art—this process never fails him.
In recent months, Johnny’s art style has evolved. His usual patterns now spread out and reach beyond the confines of any face. You can see the dots and lines dancing and wilting about the page to create a visual feeling. That feeling usually comes from his bright and loving personality.
To put it plainly in his own words, “I love you me.”
Tashiba Johnson is an artist who uses various mediums to express her love of pop culture, wish well on others, and make gifts for her friends and family. Tashiba has been making art with Artists at SUI since 2018 and currently visits the studio three times a week. Tashiba started making art when she lived in Chicago. She enjoys designing merchandise to sell in the art studio because she loves to see people wearing her designs.
Tashiba is incredibly generous with her art. When staff have babies, she makes baby blankets as a gift. Tashiba specializes in making celebrity portraits in her unique style and enjoys making photocopies to share her talent with others. When not in the mood for sewing or drawing, Tashiba takes notes on others’ favorite colors and makes them bracelets. “I love making for people,” Tashiba says.
Darren Corkery has been a prolific painter at Artists at SUI since 2018. Darren uses his time in the studio to express his true feelings, each work waves of electric color. Darren’s paintings reflect the excitement and jubilee he feels while painting. Many of Darren’s paintings glow in the dark—true to the positivity he spreads even in dim moments.
Though Darren loves painting, he’s an eager artist. When asked what he would like to do for the day or what colors he wants to start with, he might shout, “I like to do everything!” Darren also makes full use of the studio’s sewing machine, sewing an array of things, from appliqué to functional items. If you see him out and about, you will see the sturdy denim backpack he designed and created to fit on his chair.
His art and expression are never put on pause. Darren paints and journals at home and is usually thinking and talking about his next art project. He enjoys going to movies, visiting friends and family, and attending sports events.
In Darren’s words, “I like going everywhere!” You will definitely find him at Hawkeye football games or Heartlanders hockey games cheering louder than anyone else.
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A non-profit leader for more than 50 years in Eastern Iowa.
Delivering high-quality, personalized, and individualized social services support for people with disabilities and mental health needs.
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