ADA Reflections with Ken Smith

Disability Pride Month is celebrated every July to honor the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that was passed on July 26, 1990. The ARC’s National Council of Self-Advocates chose this year’s theme, “We want a Life Like Yours”. Ken Smith is a person we serve who really demonstrates how meaningful that phrase is. Over the past few years, he has worked hard on overcoming barriers that kept him from living independently and still has things he wants to keep doing. Ken took some time to tell us his story.

“It is really about helping yourself be motivated,” Ken stated. “I really needed to find out how to help myself. I watched videos on motivation.”

Ken’s ordeal began in 2015 when he had a devastating car accident while living in Missouri. He spent four years in various rehab centers and nursing homes.  He came to Systems in 2019 to live in a 24-hour supported living home. He described his time in nursing homes as miserable, “It felt like a prison at the time. People dying left and right.”

Although Ken was glad to be out of the nursing home, he was still not as independent as he wanted to be. Ken had lived on his own prior to his accident and really wanted to get away from living in a 24 hour staff supported site. He really had his sights on living in his own apartment.

While in the Systems home, he worked hard on his mobility and strength. Ken stated he began to read and study about how to motivate himself.  In 2022, Ken had made enough strides that he was able to move out of the 24-hour supported home and get his own apartment in our supported apartment program. This program is where people we serve live in an integrated apartment complex but there is staff in the building at all times.

Once in his new home, Ken began to work with occupational and physical therapists in order to gain strength, so he wouldn’t need to call his staff very often. He focused on his health, quit nicotine, focused on nutrition, and now makes his own appointments. With the help of integrated technology, Ken is able to communicate with staff when he needs something.  Ken is able to make his own schedule, have people over and do what he likes. With his new home came added expenses. He applied and was able to get a job at Kohl’s where he puts price tags on clothes.

To celebrate his accomplishments, Ken was nominated and given a Milestone Award at the 2024 Systems Awards Celebration. While talking to Ken about his progress and how far he has come in just a year, he smiled and said, “My team and all of those around me have always been a motivation, and I hope to also be a motivation to those around me to always keep going and to not give up on themselves.”

Looking to the future, Ken has a lot more he would like to accomplish, saying, “I would like to be able to walk and drive again. Slowly but surely, I will get there.” We believe him.

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